
martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

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lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011


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DIY: Lee Filters Flash Adapter

Last night I was inspired and decided to put together an idea that been bugging me since the day I received my 4 Lee Filter sample packs from Musikhaus Thomann

I had already made a filter adapter for the Canon flashes but then when I received the Lee filters sample package I wonder how could I use the package on the field without having to put some Tape or Velcro on them prior to the assignment.

Since I always carry the all package containing the 287 small sample colored filters with me and sometimes only on the field I decide which one's to choose, or none, it started to be very difficult to have them all with tape and Velcro (like the CTO and Green one's I already have made).

In general I think this is one of the accessories, if you use the filters too much, that you cannot live without it in you bag or pocket or wallet.

Soon I realize that I needed something that I could call adapter and could be all time (or not) attached to the flash, it must be weightless and above all portable since I carry already too much weight and gear to some assignments.

This is a simple thing you can do since all the material used costs almost nothing, as you will see, and it's a very small portable thing you can even put it together with the filter package.

If you follow the last example of the Black Straws Snoot then you are half way there ;)

As always, I start with the Setup shot so you can see how the all pictures in these series were made.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_001

I use for this ISO 100, Tv 200, Av 8.0 and a silver umbrella to the left of the camera as you will notice on some of the shots.

Here is a picture of the stuff we are going to need to accomplish this project.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_002

- Cereal or other card box package
- Scissors
- Ruler (this time I covered the ads on the ruler)
- Glue
- Lee filter sample pack
- Kitchen knife or snap-off blade knife
- Carving board (so you won't cut the table out)

After you gather all the things you are ready to start.

I unfolded the cereal card box and draw on one of it borders (the more straightened side) the measures of my Canon 580Ex.

For Canon 580Ex 1cm, 4cm, 7cm, 4cm, 7cm and 2cm tall is enough.
For Nikon SB26 1cm, 4,5cm, 7cm, 4,5cm, 7cm and 2cm tall.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_003

Lets use the scissors to cut it out from the card box, this is a simple process and do not require master degree on engineering :)

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_004

Picture after cutting it out from the card box. But this is not all...

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_005

Next we use the ruler to help bend the parts we need. We really do not need the ruler since the card box is not so thick but I used it anyway since it will help get them straight.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_006

After you have to choose the distance you want the filter to be from the edge of the box to the inside part. As you can see I'm pointing with my index finger to where you should make the draw. I made it 0,5cm from the edge and draw a line from one side to the other on the 4cm sizes. (I've done this since if you put it too much on the edge it will not be strong enough and resistant to hold the small gel).

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_007

You use the sharp knife to make a hole in there, be careful to not cut yourself and do not make a very large hole so the filter won't be loosen. Just cut it straight from one side to the other on the 4 cm parts.

Afterwards test it with one of the Lee filters to see if it passes through the hole on both sides without too much afford and before you glue the adapter together.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_008

Now apply some glue on the 1cm part to glue the adapter box together.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_009

After the glue dries (2 or 3 minutes depending on the glue) put one of the filters in. First you pass it through one hole and then enter on the next one... this is a simple procedure.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_010

Here is the final shot after putting the gel through the both holes. NICE!!!

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_011

This is what it looks like when you mount it on the flash.

Remember that this is not intend to be a snoot... you need the filter to stay out of the box the maximum you can drill the hole (for me was the 0,5 cm)in the card box end because what we want is a filter adapter and not a snoot. Hey, this came into my mind right now!!! maybe you can use this, later on, to make a snoot with color ;)

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_012

I changed it to red so you can see the effect it produces. Here it is... Isn't this a COOL and NICE idea ?!!!

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_013

Follow me on this: "I do not believe pigs can fly unless I can see one", so that's why I put here a photo of the result.

Don't mind about the small hole on the small filter since, as you can see on this shot, it has no effect whatsoever on the final filter color. When you put the filter on try to minimize the hole by pushing it to the other side.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_014

Now, another thing, I wanted the adapter to be was small and portable... Just look at this!!! you can fold it and put it in your pocket or near the rest of the gels. You can even drill a small hole in it and attach it to the rest of the pack.

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_015

Another shot to show you how small this adapter really is.

This is a good portable adapter since it takes only 5 minutes to assemble and if you loose one or smash it then you can make another one from another box in no time.

I did not make any tape finishing since it would make difficult for the filters to enter on the holes because of the tape's glue but you can always put some tape on the top and bottom or leave it like this... who will bug you by having this adapter on your flash??

Lee Filters Flash Adapter_016

I hope you enjoy another useful DIY for your daily work.

I also think this adapter could come up very handy since, as I said before, you can carry it around and change filters on the fly... you can even have two or 3 of them, with a hole drilled near the flash size attach, and carry them with your gels pack.

Imagine in 2 seconds you could change the flash color just by putting another adapter or changing the filter color on location.

Before I did this I use, like so many of you out there, the gels with Velcro on each of the tips. I have also a collection of them hanging on my bag and with different sizes because of flash size with this I only need to have 1 adapter for the 580EX and another for my 2 SB26.

I can carry now the complete Lee gels pack without loosing too much space on my bag and when, for some reason, I need the purple or exotic color I can easily get it without having to glue anything to it or turning the idea down just because I do not have it set.

Make one of these yourself and enjoy flash colors ;)

Until next time keep on making good photos.


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Fotografías de Guerra

Fotos tomadas de esta web:

En 1942, poco después de los Estados Unidos entraron en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt emitió una orden ejecutiva creandola Oficina de Información de Guerra (OWI). La nueva agencia se encargó delanzar noticias de la guerra, la promoción de actividades patrióticas, y proporcionar medios de noticias con audio, películas y fotos de los esfuerzos deguerra del gobierno. Entre 1939 y 1944, la OWI y la Administración de Seguridad Agrícola hecho miles de fotografías, unas 1.600 de ellas en color.OWI fotógrafos Alfred Palmer y Hollem Howard produjo algunas transparenciasKodachrome excepcional en el años de la guerra que representa la preparación militar, operaciones de la fábrica, y las mujeres en la fuerza de trabajo. Mientras que la mayoría de las escenas fueron planteadas, los sujetos fueron de verdad -los soldados y los trabajadores de la preparación para una lucha larga. Aquí se dan cita algunas de estas imágenes en color de Palmer y Hollem, con títulos originales a partir de 1942. Además, asegúrese de ver películas de archivo ennuestro canal de videos nuevos. Todas las fotos de la FSA / OWI se encuentran disponibles en la Biblioteca del Congreso. (Esta entrada es la parte 8 de lasemana 20-parte retrospectiva de la Segunda Guerra Mundial) [45 fotos]

Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose:  
This girl in a glass house is putting finishing touches on the bombardier nose section of a B-17F navy bomber in Long Beach, California, She's one of many capable women workers in the Douglas Aircraft Company plant. Better known as the "Flying Fortress," the B-17F is a later model of the B-17 which distinguished itself in action in the South Pacific, over Germany and elsewhere. It is a long range, high altitude heavy bomber, with a crew of seven to nine men, and with armament sufficient to defend itself on daylight missions. Photo taken in October, 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) 
# P-51 "Mustang" fighter in flight, Inglewood, California, The Mustang, built by North American Aviation, Incorporated, is the only American-built fighter used by the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. Photo taken in October, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Marine lieutenant, glider pilot in training, ready for take-off, at Page Field, Parris Island, South Carolina, in May, 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Women are trained as engine mechanics in thorough Douglas training methods, at the Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach, California, in October of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
An American pineapple, of the kind the Axis finds hard to digest, is ready to leave the hand of an infantryman in training at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Large pipe elbows for the Army are formed at Tube Turns, Inc., by heating lengths of pipe with gas flames and forcing them around a die, in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1941. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
A sailor at the Naval Air Base wears the new type protective clothing and gas mask designed for use in chemical warfare, in Corpus Christi, Texas, in August of 1942. (Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
Answering the nation's need for womanpower, Mrs. Virginia Davis made arrangement for the care of her two children during the day and joined her husband at work in the Naval Air Base in Corpus Christi, Texas. Both are employed under Civil Service in the Assembly and repair department. Mrs. Davis' training will enable her to take the place of her husband should he be called by the armed service. Photo taken in August, 1942. (Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
Formerly an aircraft dock, this huge building -- thought to be the largest in the world with no interior supports -- is now the scene of many busy shops turning out aircraft sub-assembly parts, at the Goodyear Aircraft Corp., in Akron, Ohio. Either new housing close to the plant or vastly improved public transportation will eventually have to be supplied, for the tires on the cars of the workers, and perhaps even the cars themselves, will in many instances give in before the end of the present emergency. Photo taken in December, 1941.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Marine Corps glider in flight out of Parris Island, South Carolina, in May of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
A Marine parachuting at Parris Island, South Carolina, in May of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
A parade of M-4 (General Sherman) and M-3 (General Grant) tanks in training maneuvers, at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Note the lower design of the M-4, the larger gun in the turret and the two hatches in front of the turret. Photographed in June of 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Tank commander, Ft. Knox, Kentucky, June 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Tank driver, Ft. Knox, Kentucky, June 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
M-3 tanks, at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, photographed in June of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Tank crew standing in front of M-4 tank, Ft. Knox, Kentucky, June, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
With a woman's determination, Lorena Craig takes over a man-size job in Corpus Christi, Texas. Before she came to work at the Naval air base she was a department store girl. Now she is a cowler under civil service. Photographed in August of 1942.(Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
A view of the B-25 final assembly line at North American Aviation's Inglewood, California, plant. Photo published in 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25 bomber is assembled in the engine department of North American Aviation's Inglewood, California, plant, in October of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Cowling and control rods are added to motors for North American B-25 bombers as they move down the assembly line at North American Aviation, in Inglewood, California, in October of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
An experimental scale model of the B-25 plane is prepared for wind tunnel tests in the plant of the North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, California. The model maker holds an exact miniature reproduction of the type of bomb the plane will carry. Photo from October, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
P-51 "Mustang" fighter plane in construction, at North American Aviation, Inc., in Los Angeles, California. Photo likely taken sometime in 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
An employee in the drill-press section of North American's huge machine shop runs mounting holes in a large dural casting, in Inglewood, California, in October of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
B-25 bomber planes at the North American Aviation, Inc., being hauled along an outdoor assembly line with an "International" tractor, in Kansas City, Kansas, in October, 1942. (LOC) # 
Annette del Sur publicizes a salvage campaign in yard of Douglas Aircraft Company, in Long Beach, California, in October of 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Casting a billet from an electric furnace, at Chase Brass and Copper Co., Euclid, Ohio. Modern electric furnaces have helped considerably in speeding the production of brass and other copper alloys for national defense. Here the molten metal is poured or cast from the tilted furnace into a mold to form a billet. The billet later is worked into rods, tubes, wires or special shapes for a variety of uses. Photographed in February, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
U.S. Marine Corps, bedding down a big barrage balloon, in Parris Island, South Carolina, in May, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
A welder making boilers for a ship, at Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee, in June of 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
A young soldier of the armored forces holds and sights his Garand rifle like an old timer, at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He likes the piece for its fine firing qualities and its rugged, dependable mechanism. Photographed in June of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Workers on the Liberator Bombers, at Consolidated Aircraft Corp., in Fort Worth, Texas, in October of 1942.(Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
Lathe operator machining parts for transport planes at the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation plant, Fort Worth, Texas, October, 1942.(Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
Hitler would like this man to go home and forget about the war. A good American non-com at the side machine gun of a huge YB-17 bomber is a man who knows his business and works hard at it. Photographed in May, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Sunset silhouette of a flying fortress, at Langley Field, Virginia, in July, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
As an NYA (National Youth Administration) trainee working inside the nose of a PBY, Elmer J. Pace is learning the construction of Navy planes, at Corpus Christi Naval Air Base, in Texas, in August of 1942. (Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
The water stretching machine of an eastern parachute manufacturer stretches shroud lines so as to make them more adaptable to the finished product, in Manchester, Connecticut, in July of 1942. (William Rittase/OWI/LOC) # 
After seven years in the Navy, J.D. Estes is considered an old sea salt by his mates at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas, in August of 1942. (Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
Pearl Harbor widows have gone into war work to carry on the fight with a personal vengeance, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Mrs. Virginia Young (right) whose husband was one of the first casualties of World War II, is a supervisor in the Assembly and Repairs Department of the Naval Air Base. Her job is to find convenient and comfortable living quarters for women workers from out of state, like Ethel Mann, who operates an electric drill. Photographed in August of 1942. (Howard Hollem/OWI/LOC) # 
Colored mechanic, motor maintenance section, Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Photographed in June, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
A riveter at work at the Douglas Aircraft Corporation plant in Long Beach, California, in October, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Men and women make efficient operating teams on riveting and other jobs at the Douglas Aircraft plant in Long Beach, California. Most important of the many types of aircraft made at this plant are the B-17F ("Flying Fortress") heavy bomber, the A-20 ("Havoc") assault bomber and the C-47 heavy transport plane for the carrying of troops and cargo. Photographed in October of 1942.(Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Women workers install fixtures and assemblies to a tail fuselage section of a B-17F bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, California. Photographed in October, 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
American mothers and sisters, like these women at the Douglas Aircraft Company, give important help in producing dependable planes for their men at the front, in Long Beach, California. Photo taken in October of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Carefully trained women inspectors check and inspect cargo transport innerwings before they are assembled on the fuselage, at Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach, California, in October of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) # 
Halftrack infantryman with Garand rifle, at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, in June of 1942. (Alfred Palmer/OWI/LOC) #